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milik tetap bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "milik tetap"
  • milik:    eigendom; property; belong; effects; of; own;
  • tetap:    adamant; consistent; constant; continued to;
  • milik:    eigendom; property; belong; effects; of; own; possession; have; hold; master; associated with; possess; possessive; capital; person in authority; ownership; belongings; genitive; estate; owner
  • tetap:    adamant; consistent; constant; continued to; fixed; invariable; inveterate; on an even keel; permanent; sceduled; stable; steady; still be; vested; definitive; regular; remain; stay; unbendable; nev
  • barang milik:    belongings
  • hak milik:    muniments; property rights; right to property; freehold; title; ownership; claim; possession
  • harta milik:    possessions
  • milik [kami:    ours
  • milik anda:    thine
  • milik berharga:    very own
  • milik kami:    our; ours
  • milik kamu:    yr
  • milik mu:    thine; your own
  • milik nasional:    national ownership
  • Proprietary Fixed Orifice Plate Pasting technology applying active materials on both sides of the grid for consistent cell-to-cell performance, higher capacity and uniform grid protection.
    Lubang teknologi Plat Paste milik Tetap menerapkan bahan aktif pada kedua sisi grid untuk sel-sel performa yang konsisten, kapasitas yang lebih tinggi dan perlindungan jaringan seragam.
  • Over the years HRH has acquired substantial interests in a variety of sectors, such as hotels, real estate, media, broadcasting, entertainment, information technology, communications, upscale fashion retailing, supermarkets, health, and education.
    Selama bertahun-tahun HRH telah memperoleh kepentingan substansial dalam berbagai sektor, seperti hotel, milik tetap, media, penyiaran, hiburan, teknologi informasi, komunikasi, ritel mode kelas atas, pasar swalayan, kesehatan dan pendidikan.
  • The trophy became an absolute property to JS Kabylie who have won it outright following their third successive win in 2002 being the one and only team in Africa who is able to show the trophy in his trophy room.
    Pada tahun 2002 ,trofi menjadi milik tetap JS Kabylie yang berhasil memenangi piala CAF tiga kali beruntun, dan menjadi satu-satunya tim di Afrika yang mampu menunjukkan trofi internasional di ruang piala nya.